Jennell Jaquays passed away two days ago, and it's hitting me hard.
I had a chance to meet Jennell at NTRPG 2016 (and '17), and even get into a
playtest game of hers. She was friendly and welcoming and kind, both there and online.
This was already one of the books most important to me in my gaming collection; it has become infinitely more so.
Jennell's contributions to the gaming industry are well documented & known. But her activism in support of LGBTQIA rights, and her mentorship and guidance for other folks in gaming (particularly folks from marginalized backgrounds) were also hugely important and influential.
She'd been working on releasing a revised and improved version of Central Casting, but passed before the process was complete. Her wife Becky plans to finalize and release it, though.
Becky could also use assistance with Jennell's medical bills and funeral costs.